International Investing: The Theoretical Basis for Enhanced Portfolio Diversification
Discover how Modern Portfolio Theory, International CAPM, and macroeconomic indicators converge to shape global investment strategies, mitigating risk while maximizing returns.
The Size of the Global Equity Market
Explore the vast scale of global equities, the major exchanges that drive market dynamics, and how market capitalization evolves with capital flows, listing activity, and investor sentiment in this comprehensive guide.
The Major International Equity Benchmarks
Explore key global equity benchmarks like the MSCI World, MSCI EAFE, MSCI Emerging Markets, FTSE Developed, and S&P Global 1200. Understand how they are constructed and why they matter for Canadian and international investors.
The Primary Advantages of International Investing
Discover how investing in global markets can provide broader diversification, access to emerging growth opportunities, unique sector exposure, currency appreciation potential, and protection against inflation.
The Primary Disadvantages and Risks of International Investing
Learn about the major challenges of cross-border investments, including currency fluctuations, political upheaval, liquidity shortfalls, and heightened operational costs.
Foreign Investment Vehicles
Discover the wide range of foreign investment vehicles—including ADRs, GDRs, and global funds—available to Canadian and international investors seeking diversification and global market exposure.
The Skills Necessary for Effective International Investing
Explore essential research, cultural understanding, regulatory knowledge, and risk management skills necessary to thrive in today’s global markets.
Do Asset Allocation Models Correctly Assess International Investment Opportunities?
An in-depth exploration of how traditional and modern asset allocation models handle global diversification, including practical insights on currency risks, tactical approaches, and advanced frameworks like the Black-Litterman Model.
Investing in Emerging and Frontier Markets
Explore the opportunities and challenges in emerging and frontier markets, understanding their risk-return profile, key economic drivers, and effective investment strategies while considering regulatory insights and best practices.
ESG and Responsible International Investing
Explore how ESG factors shape global investment decisions, learn about internationally recognized frameworks like PRI and GRI, and understand the effect of different governance standards worldwide. Discover how ESG-focused funds can impact performance, what regional differences investors should watch out for, and how Canadian regulatory bodies guide responsible investing.
The Impact of Free Trade Agreements and Global Institutions
Explore how key global trade agreements and institutions open markets, shape investment flows, and influence risk management in international portfolios.
Cultural and Ethical Considerations in International Markets
Explore how cultural norms, ethical standards, community engagement, and corporate transparency shape international investing strategies. Learn the impact of local regulations, global best practices, and social license to operate on building successful cross-border portfolios.