Explore how professionally overseen investment vehicles help Canadian investors achieve diversified portfolios, benefit from economies of scale, and stay aligned with regulatory requirements.
Explore the fundamentals of mutual funds in Canada, covering their structures, types, fees, regulatory frameworks, and practical tips for wealth management professionals.
Explore how Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) combine the diversification of mutual funds with the real-time trading of stocks, featuring Canadian regulatory insights, cost structures, and best practices for portfolio construction.
Explore how hedge funds operate in Canada, including their structure, fee models, regulatory considerations, and how advisors can assess suitability for investors seeking alternative strategies.
Discover how fees, portfolio turnover, and taxes interact in Canadian managed products, and learn practical strategies for minimizing costs and maximizing after-tax returns.
An in-depth exploration of overlay management within the Canadian wealth management landscape, focusing on coordinating trades and hedging risks across multiple strategies using derivatives and advanced portfolio solutions.
Explore the structure, benefits, and challenges of outcome-based investments, focusing on how they are designed to meet specific objectives rather than simply outperforming benchmarks. Discover how these products work, relevant Canadian regulations, and best practices for integrating them into a comprehensive wealth management plan.