Learn how to protect and grow wealth for the long term using strategies that integrate estate, insurance, tax, and investment planning. Discover best practices, regulations, and real-world Canadian examples.
Explore key risk considerations in Canadian wealth management: Beyond market volatility, addressing inflation risk, interest rate risk, longevity risk, and more, while preserving capital through strategic diversification.
Discover essential risk measurement tools, from standard deviation and beta to Value at Risk and stress testing—all within a Canadian wealth management context.
Identify potential risks in a client's net worth, highlighting underperforming assets, debt management, insurance coverage, inflation, and estate planning pitfalls in the Canadian wealth management context.
Explore the distinct personal risk management considerations at each stage of the family life cycle and learn how to adapt wealth management strategies effectively in Canada.
Explore the six key steps to effectively manage personal risks in a holistic wealth management plan. Learn how to balance risk retention with risk transfer, navigate Canadian regulatory requirements, and work with professionals to safeguard financial goals.