Browse FP 1

Chapter 8: Risk Management and Life Insurance

In this section

  • The Nature of Risk
    Explore how risk in financial planning affects earning capacity, asset value, and unforeseen liabilities, along with strategies to quantify and manage potential losses using both qualitative and actuarial approaches.
  • Managing Risk
    Explore the primary strategies of risk management—avoidance, reduction, transfer, and retention—and learn how Canadians can adapt these tactics throughout their lives, with a focus on insurance solutions.
  • Types of Risk
    Explore how personal, business, and investment risks intertwine in financial planning, emphasizing practical strategies to safeguard against unpredictable events.
  • The Life Insurance Industry
    Discover how Canada’s life insurance sector operates, including key regulations, risk pooling, underwriting, and the role of OSFI and CIRO in keeping insurers solvent and accountable.
  • Types of Life Insurance
    Discover the various forms of life insurance, including term and permanent coverage, and learn how to align each option with specific financial goals and life stages.
  • Understanding a Client’s Life Insurance Needs
    Explore how to conduct a thorough fact-find, calculate life insurance coverage, and coordinate existing policies to fulfill short- and long-term goals. Learn about capital needs analysis, the human life value approach, and strategies like layered insurance.