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Explore topic-specific quizzes (10 questions per webpage right here on this website, FREE!) to practice key concepts from both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Canadian Securities Course. Get free, basic explanations after each question.
All questions, notes, and regulations are continuously updated to reflect current standards under the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).
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“Started with the free questions on the site, which were solid. But the app? That’s where I really got prepped. Free trial sold me, and 8,000+ questions later, I felt totally ready for Exam 2.” – Lisa D. (October 2024)
“79% on my CSC! Those scenario-based mocks were killer. Plus, seeing the explanations right after each question? Super helpful. Definitely using this again for other CSI exams.” – Philip R. (January 2025)
“Seriously, this app is way more detailed than anything else I tried. Free week, no-brainer. Learned way more from the explanations here than from the textbook.” – Amanda S. (March 2025)
“This resource was a lifesaver. Concepts finally clicked, way better than the textbook.” – T.K. (February 2025)
“Fantastic study aid! Cut my study time in half. Practical questions and clear explanations. Highly recommend.” – G.G. (January 2025)
“Passed with 70%. Good for getting the general questions down. A few repeats, but overall, solid coverage of what I saw on the exam.” – O.C. (March 2025)
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This independent study tool is designed for candidates of the Canadian Securities Course (CSC®). It is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI) or the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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