Understand the core principles of risk and return in investment portfolios, explore the risk-return trade-off, and learn how Canadian regulatory frameworks influence prudent investment choices.
Explore how GDP growth, interest rates, inflation, and other economic indicators shape investment returns and inform mutual fund performance comparisons.
Master investment return calculations including Simple Rate of Return, Total Return, Annualized Return, TWRR, and MWRR—essential techniques for evaluating portfolio performance in Canada or abroad.
Learn the most common approaches to measuring investment risk, including standard deviation, beta, value at risk, and the Sharpe ratio, and discover how these metrics fit into a comprehensive portfolio construction strategy.
Explore key principles of portfolio management, including active and passive strategies, the role of the Investment Policy Statement, and the importance of rebalancing to achieve your investment goals in the Canadian market.
Explore the various methods of analysis—fundamental, technical, quantitative, and more—that guide investment decisions in portfolio construction. From interpreting financial statements to leveraging algorithmic tools, learn how to blend multiple approaches for smarter investments.
Explore strategic and tactical asset allocation, rebalancing methods, ESG factors, and more to enhance your investment portfolio construction expertise.