Browse IMT

Chapter 11: Analysis of Debt Securities II – Price Volatility and Investment Strategies

In this section

  • Understanding Bond Price Volatility
    Explore the factors influencing bond price fluctuations, including interest rates, maturity, coupon rates, and credit quality, and discover best practices for managing and capitalizing on these market changes.
  • Duration and Convexity
    A comprehensive exploration of how duration and convexity measure and manage bond price volatility, complete with practical strategies and real-world examples.
  • Investment Strategies for Managing Bond Price Volatility
    Explore immunization, laddering, barbells, bullets, active management, and interest rate anticipation strategies for stabilizing bond portfolios amid changing market environments.
  • Measuring and Monitoring Ongoing Price Volatility
    Learn how to measure and monitor bond price volatility using scenario analysis, stress testing, and ongoing re-balancing to align with evolving market conditions and client objectives.